Upper School - Sing-a-Long
This event will take place between 9:00am and 9:30am on 07/07/2023
I am pleased to tell parents that after half term, we will be offering another opportunity for parents to find out about their children’s experiences at school. Mrs. Cleaves our music co-ordinator has kindly offered to ‘throw open the doors’ for our weekly singing assemblies. Parents are invited straight after drop off on Friday mornings to spend half hour listening (and participating if they wish!) to our music assembly. There will 30 places each week with lower and upper school alternating each week. We will start with lower school on Friday 9th June. Spaces will be given on a first come first served basis. Places can be book on School Gateway but once full, it will automatically close.
Lower school – Friday 9th June, Friday 23rd June and Friday 14th July
Upper school - Friday 16th June, Friday 7th July