December 2024
A big well done to Betsy-Rose in Year 3 for being awarded 'Gymnast of the Week' recently!
Congratulations to Daisy in Year 4 who won a bronze medal at her Marriots gymnastics competition.
Ruby in Year 5 recently took her Initial Piano exam at Trinity Music and was awarded a distinction! This is an amazing achievement, especially as one of the pieces she played was her own composition! Well done Ruby!
Rj in Year 5 was awarded with Little Dragon 2024 at Taekwondo! Well done, RJ!

Huge congratulations to George in Year 6 who has been performing in Peter Pan over the last few weeks. What an incredible achievement. Well done!
Not only has he been performing in the panto he has just received his grade 3 modern exam report and he received 82/100 which is a distinction grade for his first exam.
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