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Issue 25 - 28th March 2024

Dear Families,  

As we come to the end of the spring term, we can look back on some great events and achievements. From football and netball matches to writing awards, from school trips to enriching parent engagement events, the past few months have been very busy! 

The spring term has flown by and we have lots of opportunities for children and families in the summer term. In our last newsletter, we outlined some of the dates for you to mark in your calendars. 

The lower school can look forward to an inspiring assembly hosted by athlete, Lesley Owusu, where we'll delve into the world of sports, motivation, and success. FOAH have planned film nights in the first 2 weeks after Easter. We hope to spark some creativity on writing days and we have more trips planned for children through the term. 

That's not all! Our commitment to fostering meaningful connections extends further with engaging sessions designed to strengthen the bond between home and school with SEND and Pastoral coffee mornings, our parent event focused on reading, SRE sessions and Therapeutic Behaviour Workshop for Parents. Let's not forget the adrenaline-pumping sporting events that will keep our competitive spirit alive and kicking. 

As we gear up for end of the academic year, our Year 6 students are preparing for their SATS in May. Following this, they'll be treated to a series of unforgettable leavers' events, celebrating their remarkable journey at Almond Hill. 

Stay tuned for more updates and announcements as we begin the Summer term! 

Have a good Easter break and we look forward to welcoming you back on Monday 15th April.  

Emma Fordham 

Key Messages

Relationship and Health Education – Parent Meetings April 2024

Year 4, 5 and 6 will be teaching RHE in the summer term. It is part of our policy to offer parents the opportunity to ask questions and view the resources that will be used in lessons, the vast majority of which is statutory. These meetings will be held online via Teams and links for these are below. 

Monday 15th April - Year 4 - 4.00pm - 4.30pm.  

Join the meeting now 

Meeting ID: 356 101 532 377 

Passcode: pScp9F 

Tuesday 16th April - Year 5 - 4.00pm - 4.30pm.  

Join the meeting now 

Meeting ID: 359 630 498 459 

Passcode: 2ue8QG 

Wednesday 17th April - Year 6 - 4.00pm - 4.30pm.  

Join the meeting now 

Meeting ID: 344 084 889 606 

Passcode: b3qjQg 

Sports Day - Date Change  

Due to some clashing dates that have been brought to our attention for events outside of school that we cannot influence, we will need to change the proposed dates for sports days - we will still be holding the lower school sports day in the morning of Thursday 6th June but the Upper school  will now be on Friday 7th June. Sorry for any inconvenience. We appreciate for parents with children in upper and lower school, this may present a challenge but unfortunately, we are struggling to fit in all of the planned events whilst also avoiding events in feeder schools and sporting fixtures/educational events externally planned.  

Therapeutic Behaviour Workshop for Parents – led by Mrs Burgess 

Tuesday 11th June – 2.00-3.00pm in school and 6.00-7.30pm online

Year 6 Graduation Events

Monday 15th July – 6S 
Tuesday 16th July – 6B 
Wednesday 17th July – 6C 


Recently, cases of head lice have been identified in the school. Whilst lice are nothing more than a nuisance, it is important that children are checked regularly so that any head lice can be dealt with quickly.

How to get rid of head lice

Treat head lice as soon as you spot them. You can treat head lice without seeing a GP.

You should check everyone in the house and start treating anyone who has head lice on the same day.

There's no need to keep your child off school if they have head lice.

Please follow the link for tips and advice.

Sporting Events 

We have lots of sporting events coming up and as part of our commitment to increasing our offer for children, we hope to be able to offer these opportunities on a regular basis. We know that the location of some events can prove tricky for parents with dropping off and collecting from the venue. If you are not able to commit to this, please can we ask that you decline the consent on Arbor (ideally with a note to explain why) so we can offer the place to another child. We are having to cancel events due to lack of numbers which could be rectified if consent was completed more promptly. There may also be occasions where we are able to offer lifts to those who are unable to get there (this is dependent on a few things, including the member of staff having the appropriate insurance) so it is always worth telling us.  

School Government Fundraising

The school government were treated to a visit from a representative of Letchworth Garden House Hospice on Tuesday afternoon in recognition of their great work raising money for both this charity and Cancer Research with the bake sales last half term which was so well supported by our school community. Each member received a certificate to acknowledge their contribution and all were excited to see a huge cheque in person. Actually, only Mrs Fordham was excited about this - one of the children commented they had never seen a cheque in person, never mind a huge one - sign of the times and Mrs Fordham's age perhaps! 



Diary Dates

Uniform Sale 

Our next uniform sale is: 

Wednesday 17th April. 
The sale takes place from 3.00pm in the hall.

Book Sale

Our next book sale is: 

Wednesday 24th April. 
The sale takes place during the school day and books cost just 50p each!


Year 3 94.49%
Year 4 93.29% 
Year 5 95.56% 
Year 6 92.77% 
Class Winners -  6C 98.4% 
All Students 94.09% 

Almond Hill Achievements 

Click the button below to see all the wonderful things our children have achieved outside of school. 

In Other News...

Netball Match Report

Netball Match Report The girls played netball brilliantly against Ashtree yesterday! They defended well, got into space when needed and had a couple of shots on target. Although we didn't win, the team made Almond Hill proud! Player's player went to Amelia-Jane and the coaches' player was Maddison. Well done girls. 

Rapid Fire Cricket

Rapid Fire Cricket Nine players from Almond Hill attended a Rapid Fire Cricket Festival at Barnwell on Wednesday 27th March. After playing six other school teams, they finished with an impressive 344 runs. The fielding skill and the encouragement for others they displayed was great to see, especially since this was the first event a lot of these c…