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Issue 27 - 26th April 2024

Dear Families,

What a jam-packed week it's been! We've had football matches, the upper school movie night, book sales, Year 5 library visits, special assemblies, and even some fantastic visitors. Keep reading to find out more about what the children have been up to this week.

Emma Fordham

Key Messages

Parent Singing Assemblies

I am pleased to tell parents that we will be offering another opportunity for parents to find out about their children’s experiences at school. Mrs. Cleaves our music co-ordinator has kindly offered to ‘throw open the doors’ for our weekly singing assemblies. Parents are invited straight after drop off on selected Friday mornings to spend around 30 minutes listening (and participating if they wish!) to our music assembly.  There will be 30 places each week. Places can be booked on School Gateway on a first come first served basis and once full, it will automatically close. The booking opened Monday 22nd April and unless full, will close the day before each event.     

Lower School – Friday 17th May and 14th June 9.00-9.25am
Upper School – Friday 24th May and 5th July 9.00-9.25am

Term dates for Next Academic Year

The term dates for 2024/25 are now on our website (including INSET days). Please follow the link to view.

INSET/Occasional days for 2024/25: 

Monday 2nd September 

Friday 20th December
Monday 6th January 

Friday 20th June

Monday 23rd June (Occasional Day)

Wednesday 23rd July 

Clubs on Arbor

Thank you for bearing with us whilst we dealt with the issue with clubs over the weekend. As you know, Arbor is a new system and we are learning to get to grips with all the things it can do but unfortunately, when learning, this doesn't always go to plan.  We open events on a weekend to make it easier and fairer for parents to book but our office staff do not work at weekends so if there is a problem, we will need your patience in getting it fixed for you.

Club Year group Day Collection From Start End
3/4 Football 3, 4 Monday Field Gate 15th April Half termly
Gardening 5 Monday Acorn House 29th April 24th June
Rounders 6 Monday Field Gate 29th April 24th June
Reading Fluency Booster 4 Monday Acorn House 29th April 15th July
Reading Fluency Booster 5 Monday Acorn House 29th April 15th July
5/6 Football 5, 6 Tuesday Field Gate 16th April Half termly
Rounders 3 Tuesday Field Gate 30th April 25th June
Street Dance All Wednesday Hall 17th April 22nd May
Stop Motion 4 Wednesday 4L 1st May 26th June
Rounders 4 Thursday Field Gate 2nd May 27th June
Musical Theatre All Friday Hall 19th April 24th May
Rounders 5 Friday Field Gate 3rd May 28th June
Mad Science All Friday 4O 3rd May 28th June

Year 3 Writing Day – Pirates!

We will be welcoming some Pirates into school on Wednesday 8th May for our inspiring writing day. We would like to invite Year 3 children to join them in dressing like a pirate! We welcome all forms of pirate dress but ask that no weapons (swords, cutlasses etc.) are brought into school and that outfits are still suitable for break/lunch time. We are looking forward to an exciting day with our new pirate friends! 

This is not compulsory and if children would prefer not to dress up, they should come to school in their uniform as normal.

Goodbye to Miss Baxter

Miss Baxter will be leaving Almond Hill next Friday to start a new adventure in Early Years. I am sure parents will join me in wishing Miss Baxter all the very best in her new job. 

Diary Dates

Uniform Sale 

Our next uniform sales are: 
Wednesday 1st May
Wednesday 5th June
Wednesday 3rd July

The sale takes place from 3.00pm in the hall.

Book Sale

Our next book sales are: 
Wednesday 22nd May
Wednesday 26th June
Wednesday 17th  July

The sale takes place during the school day and books cost just 50p!


Year 3 95%
Year 4 92.91% 
Year 5 96.07% 
Year 6 92.18% 
Class Winners - 6B 98.1% 
All Students 94.14% 

Almond Hill Achievements 

Click the button below to see all the wonderful things our children have achieved outside of school. 

In Other News...

Easter Home Learning – Cultural Diversity
Thank you everyone who took part in our Easter home learning project. We have had a huge number of amazing work showcasing how different and special we all are. The children (and parents, I'm sure!) have put in so much hard work into their beautiful posters, many of which are on display in classrooms now. Here is a lovely selection:

Coding Assembly
Years 3, 5 and 6 were delighted to listen to Simon Hermitage (Computer Game Design Director) about his experiences in the programming industry.  

Quotes from Year 6 children after the assembly:
‘I got a deeper understanding about how games are made.’
‘We learnt about game loops e.g. objective, challenge and rewards.’
‘We learnt about programming and animating and how it could be our job if we were interested.’
Thank you, Simon, for an inspirational morning!

Year 4 - Wise up. Building Resilience
On Monday, Year 4 were visited by Wise Up team building to solve the mystery of the stolen pie!  We took part in a range of practical activities which required team work and communication to earn clues. Some tasks were really challenging and took us a long time but we didn't give up with the support of each other and the adults. We are hoping to use these skills back in class. Children and staff had a great time and Jamie (our course leader) said the Almond Hill students were wonderful. Well done Year 4!

Athlete visit
We are thrilled to be able to share some more information about our upcoming Sports for Schools event. We are excited to announce that the athlete who will be visiting us will be Lesley Owusus.

On the event day, all pupils will take part in a sponsored fitness circuit run by their athlete, a terrific way to get all children excited about sport and realise that getting moving is really fun! Their athlete will then share their incredible sporting journey, a story of resilience and determination in a fun and interactive assembly. There will also be an opportunity to ask any burning questions in a Q&A session with their inspiring role-model at the end! The money raised for the event will go towards new important resources to improve levels of physical activity in our school, such as new sports equipment!  

Year 5 Tag Rugby
Our brilliant Year 5 tag rugby players thoroughly enjoyed themselves at Stevenage Rugby Club on Thursday 25th April. The children worked around a circuit of very exciting rugby stations before having the opportunity to play some tag rugby matches against each other. Many players showed a keen interest in the sport and were noted for their great sportsmanship and effort at the festival - well done to all.

6C cosy reading morning March 24
To celebrate 6C reading 100 books this school year, they had a ‘cosy reading afternoon’ before half term!

SEND Information for Parents

Hertfordshire SEND Local Offer - courses, events and things to do