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Issue 28 - 3rd May 2024

Dear Families,

I would like to start this week’s newsletter by thanking children across the school for being respectful and considerate of the Year 6 children who completed their mock SATs this week. I would also like to congratulate Year 6 on their behaviour and resilience in what can be quite a tough week!

I hope you enjoy the long weekend and we will see you after the bank holiday. 

Emma Fordham

Key Messages

School Improvement Plan  - Latest Update

Parent Singing Assemblies

Thank you to those parents who have already booked a space at our parent singing assemblies. If you haven’t already booked and would like to come, there are still some spaces available. Please use SCHOOL GATEWAY to book.

Lower School – Friday 17th May and 14th June 9.00-9.25am
Upper School – Friday 24th May and 5th July 9.00-9.25am

Toys and other items from home

Please be reminded that children should not bring ANY toys into school. Children only need a water bottle, books and lunch boxes. We have also noticed an increase in jewellery items and must remind parents that these are also not allowed in school.

Year 3 Parents

We are beginning to look at the transition for children from year 2 to year 3 and as parents who have not long been through that process, we wanted to ask for your help. The transition process is incredibly important and we want to make sure we make it as easy as possible for families. Is there anything you wish you had known before starting at Almond Hill or any comments/feedback you would be willing to share regarding the process.

Year 6 Graduation Events

Some parents in Year 6 will have had children who have already come up through the school and moved onto secondary school but for others, this may be your first child who has reached Year 6 at Almond Hill.  We believe it is important to recognise the hard work, achievements and memories that are made in the time children are here which is why we hold ‘graduations’ for all children in Year 6. It is a wonderful opportunity to really celebrate with families and would love for as many parents to attend as possible. Due to space limitations in the hall, we can allow up to 3 guests per child. The graduation will run from 2pm-4pm on the day so where possible, please arrange alternative collection for younger siblings. We like to keep as much of the event a surprise where we can but can assure you, you won’t want to miss it! Nearer to the time, children will be given 3 tickets to bring home to give to their guests. These will need to be brought with you on the day of your child’s graduation. We know that families will want to attend but I must stress that we will be up to our maximum capacity for fire regulations so will not be able to allow additional people to attend.

Monday 15th July - 6S
Tuesday 16th July – 6B
Wednesday 17th July - 6C  

Diary Dates

Uniform Sale 

Our next uniform sales are: 
Wednesday 5th June
Wednesday 3rd July

The sale takes place from 3.00pm in the hall.

Book Sale

Our next book sales are: 
Wednesday 22nd May
Wednesday 26th June
Wednesday 17th  July

The sale takes place during the school day and books cost just 50p!


Year 3    93.98%
Year 4    96.75%
Year 5    97.53%
Year 6    90.76% 
Class Winners - 4L - 98.5% 
All Students 94.14% 

Almond Hill Achievements 

Click the button below to see all the wonderful things our children have achieved outside of school. 

Club End Dates

Club Year group Day End
3/4 Football 3, 4 Monday Half termly
Gardening 5 Monday 24th June
Rounders 6 Monday 24th June
Reading Fluency Booster 4 Monday 15th July
Reading Fluency Booster 5 Monday 15th July
5/6 Football 5, 6 Tuesday Half termly
Rounders 3 Tuesday 25th June
Street Dance All Wednesday 22nd May
Stop Motion 4 Wednesday 26th June
Rounders 4 Thursday 27th June
Musical Theatre All Friday 24th May
Rounders 5 Friday 28th June
Mad Science All Friday 28th June
House Points
In Other News...

Girl’s Football at Giles
The Almond Hill team did us proud at the football tournament last week! The Year 5 and 6 girls showed great communication and respect and above all had fun! Almond Hill competed against 3 teams from Giles, Woolenwick and Graveley and won every match except one which they lost 1-0. A great achievement. Well done!

Cleo in Year 6 and Abigail in Year 5 were given players of day for their skills and abilities. 


Netball Match
The Year 5 Netball team have won their first match! The girls played brilliantly against St Nicholas. They defended well, held the ball and used the space around them. Amelia and Daisy worked well together to make sure their shots were accurate. The opposition player’s player was given to Amelia. We won 5 - 2! Well done girls.   

Year 4 Maths Challenge
On Monday 29th April, 8 Year 4 pupils took part in a Year 4 maths challenge heat. The children worked together to solve problems with limited time using their mathematical reasoning and skills. Some of the questions included estimating complex questions and answers such as time, fractions and measures. This was excellent practice of methods learnt in class. The children tried their best and we are awaiting to hear if we have made it to the final. Well done!


Year 4 Enrichment Sessions with Premier
On Wednesday, Year 4 took part in mini 'bags of character' sessions to build teamwork and communication skills with Premier Sport. The children enjoyed working together. Well done!


Almond Hill vs Aston – Quarter Finals!

Almond Hill vs Aston – Quarter Finals! Both sides had some good chances at the start of the game until Harry scored the first goal for Almond Hill! A couple of minutes later, we were awarded a penalty which was scored by Harry followed shortly after by another Almond Hill goal from Teddy.  Aston had some good chances at goal and were successful in scoring just before…

Information for Parents and Carers

Free Hertfordshire Parenting Courses & Workshops 

The Directory below has details of the free courses available for Hertfordshire parents/carers to help them to support their children with a number of issues, including anger, sleep, anxiety, transitions and more: 

Parenting courses | Hertfordshire Directory


University of Herts Young People's Advisory Group (YPAG) looking for new members

The University of Hertfordshire Centre for Research in Public Health and Community Care (CRIPACC) are inviting applications from young people who are aged 10-18 and living in Herts to join their Young People’s Research Advisory Group (Herts YPAG) - they currently have spaces for 5-6 new members. 

Young members don’t need to know anything about research, but just be interested in learning more, getting involved and making a difference. It's a great opportunity for young people to help shape research and policy for health and science and also learn more about research in science.  

Please share this opportunity with young people you work with, parents and carers - members receive thank you vouchers and pizza too!

More information and a link to the online application form is here:


Free online emotional wellbeing/mental health workshops for young people

Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust (HCT) Children’s Wellbeing Practitioners regularly run a variety of workshops focused on children and young people's emotional wellbeing and mental health. Some workshops are for the parents/carers of primary school aged children and others are directed at adolescents although parents can also attend these. The workshops aim to provide support, guidance, some strategies and tips to try to improve children and young people's mental health.

The workshops are free to attend and currently take place on Microsoft Teams. The workshops available can be found on the Children’s Wellbeing Practitioners Eventbrite page, where you can also find out more information about what the workshop will cover and book a place.

The service has also produced a two-part recorded webinar to help with anxiety about going to school. Please take a look at the links below: 

  1. Theory and Psychoeducation (just under 18 minutes long)
  2. Strategies and Tips (just over 30 minutes long)


NESSie's NEW program- My World and Me 

Please see the poster attached below detailing Nessie's new program, My World And Me as well as a second poster detailing the dates on which these groups are to be held.