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Issue 29 - 10th May 2024

Dear Families, 

Next week, children in Year 6 will sit their SATs. It is essential children come to school and on time otherwise they may not be able to sit the tests.  It is important to ensure children have plenty of rest the night before to set them up for the day ahead. We have engaged in lots of practice tests so they are well versed in the process and this should reduce undue anxiety. We see the tests as an opportunity to show what children can do and there should be no other pressure or worries than this. The tests are sent away to be marked externally and the teachers share the outcomes with the children on the day their reports come out. This is done on a one to one basis so children can ask questions and be supported whatever the outcome. 

Year 6 children only are invited to come to school at 8.30am on all four days of SATs week where breakfast will be provided and they will have the chance to not feel rushed before they start each day. They will be met on the playground by their teachers at this time. 

It would really help our year 6 children if parents across the school could make a concerted effort to ensure their children are on time for school this week. Some children will be taking their SATs in rooms across the school and late arrivals can cause disruption to these children. Children behaved impeccably during our mock SATs week and I look forward to seeing the same behaviours demonstrated next week.

Have a good weekend!

Emma Fordham

Key Messages

Safeguarding – Late Collection 

We understand there are times when parents are late for collection but please remember that children must be signed out from the office.  Please can parents not come into school from any other door than the main reception to ensure that children are signed out appropriately.  

External Clubs for Dance and Musical Theatre 

We hope children have enjoyed our new dance and musical theatre clubs. These clubs will end at the end of this half term but I am pleased to tell you we are in the process of looking for a new provider to provide similar clubs for the children to join. Watch this space… 

It will soon be possible to sign up for the football club, which will be running again after half term, please see the sign at the front of the school for more details. There are limited free places on this club. Please contact Mrs Fordham if you are interested in these spaces. 

Parent Singing Assemblies 

There are a handful of spaces left on the lower school sing along on Friday 14th June. All other dates are now fully booked. 

Lower School – Friday 17th May and 14th June 9.00-9.25am 
Upper School – Friday 24th May and 5th July 9.00-9.25am 

Year 6 Graduation Events 

Year 6 Graduation Events 
Some parents in Year 6 will have had children who have already come up through the school and moved onto secondary school but for others, this may be your first child who has reached Year 6 at Almond Hill.  We believe it is important to recognise the hard work, achievements and memories that are made in the time children are here which is why we hold ‘graduations’ for all children in Year 6. It is a wonderful opportunity to really celebrate with families and would love for as many parents to attend as possible. Due to space limitations in the hall, we can allow up to 3 guests per child. The graduation will run from 2pm-4pm on the day so where possible, please arrange alternative collection for younger siblings. We like to keep as much of the event a surprise where we can but can assure you, you won’t want to miss it! Nearer to the time, children will be given 3 tickets to bring home to give to their guests. These will need to be brought with you on the day of your child’s graduation. We know that families will want to attend but I must stress that we will be up to our maximum capacity for fire regulations so will not be able to allow additional people to attend.  

Monday 15th July - 6S  
Tuesday 16th July – 6B  
Wednesday 17th July - 6C

Diary Dates

Uniform Sale 

Our next uniform sales are: 
Wednesday 5th June
Wednesday 3rd July

The sale takes place from 3.00pm in the ha

Book Sale

Our next book sales are: 
Wednesday 22nd May
Wednesday 26th June
Wednesday 17th  July

The sale takes place during the school day and books cost just 50p!


Year 3    93.91%
Year 4    96.88%
Year 5    97.53%
Year 6    90.76% 
Class Winners - 4L - 98.5% 
All Students 94.84% 

Almond Hill Achievements 

Click the button below to see all the wonderful things our children have achieved outside of school. 

Club End Dates

Club Year group Day End
3/4 Football 3, 4 Monday Half termly
Gardening 5 Monday 24th June
Rounders 6 Monday 24th June
Reading Fluency Booster 4 Monday 15th July
Reading Fluency Booster 5 Monday 15th July
5/6 Football 5, 6 Tuesday Half termly
Rounders 3 Tuesday 25th June
Street Dance All Wednesday 22nd May
Stop Motion 4 Wednesday 26th June
Rounders 4 Thursday 27th June
Musical Theatre All Friday 24th May
Rounders 5 Friday 28th June
Mad Science All Friday 28th June

House Points

In Other News...

Athlete Visit

Athlete Visit Years 3 and 4 had the privilege of a visit from GB athlete Lesley Owusu. They completed an exciting fitness circuit (to raise sponsorship money for new sports equipment) and asked insightful questions during the assembly and discussion. We hope the children were inspired and motivated to try their best.

Year 3 had a fantastic inspirational writing day all about pirates!

Year 3 had a fantastic inspirational writing day all about pirates! Lots of us dressed up for the occasion as we learnt all about real pirates and story book pirates. We asked lots of questions so we could learn all about the jobs, food, weapons and what pirates wore. We made our own treasure maps, wrote a pirate code for our own pirate ship and designed our own pirate flags. We also got to play a ga…

Netball Update

Netball Update This team worked exceedingly hard to finish 0-0 against Ashtree in this home match. The progress of the whole team really showed during this match, with superb defending keeping Ashtree from scoring a single goal. We had plenty of attacks but could not seem to score. The result does not tell the story of the determination and teamwor…

Year 4 Regeneration Visit

Year 4 Regeneration Visit On Wednesday, Year 4 walked to the town centre to learn all about the Stevenage Regeneration project taking place. We were guided by staff from the project who gave us a tour of some of the new areas (the playground and event area) as well as facts about the new bus station and historical clock tower. The mural detailling the history…

Our Wonderful Grounds in the Sun Featuring our Newly Extended Jungle Gym!

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