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Year 4 Faith Tour

Year 4 had an inspiring and enriching day on their Faith Tour to a Church, Mosque and Gurdwara. They listened attentively to all the Faith leaders, asking insightful questions and impressed all the adults and leaders with their knowledge. Key facts in RE has been a focus this term and the children demonstrated their sticky learning brilliantly! In the church, children explored artefacts over thousands of years old. In the mosque, children listened to an example of the daily prayer call. In the Gurdwara, children ate their lunches in the Langar kitchen and watched the Chaur (brush) being waved over the holy book. Some comments were:

Gurdwara leader - "You could be leading this session with all your knowledge."

Christian leader - "Your questions and observation skills are very detailed!"

The year 4 staff commented on the polite manner and behaviours of the children, including their respect for the different faiths. Well done year 4