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Friends of Almond Hill (FOAH)


We really need your support to keep Friends of Almond Hill going! If you are willing to help organise events for our children to help raise funds for the school, please let the office know! Even if you only have a small amount of time to offer, we would love to hear from you. Over the years, our parents have supported many fun events for the children and FOAH have paid for resources and educational activities which we are not able to provide from our budget. Thank you very much in advance. Any help is always so greatly appreciated.

Friends of Almond Hill are a dedicated group of parents who organise fund raising and fun events for our pupils and parents.

We view all parents and carers as members and welcome support in any way, big or small. FOAH are keen to organise events that reflect the interests of pupils as well as parents and carers!

FOAH meet each half term. Meetings are open to all parents/carers.  FOAH keep you well informed of planned activities through their newsletters and welcome your ideas. Minutes for previous meetings can be found below.

Date for next meeting: Monday 16th September at 6.00pm online.

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  • Jungle Gym

    Published 14/02/24

    As mentioned in a previous newsletter, we have been working on a project that will see the very popular jungle gym almost double in size. This project has been kindly funded by Friends of Almond Hill and the transformation is well underway. I am sure children are excited for its completion. 

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  • FOAH Christmas Present Room

    Published 12/12/23

    A huge thank you to FOAH for hosting a wonderful present room!

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  • FOAH Class Reps

    Published 11/10/23

    A member of the FOAH committee joined us for assembly on Monday to talk to the children about being ‘FOAH reps’. This will involve representing the views of their fellow classmates regarding future events and how the money raised should be spent as well as helping out at the events where appropriate. Your child has been asked to tell their class teacher if they are interested in this role.

    Look out for further updates...

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  • Summer 2023 Events

    Published 23/07/23

    Summer term 

    Father's Day Present Room - £118.19
    Ice Cream Fridays - £345.69
    Summer Raffle - £295

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  • FOAH Update

    Published 14/06/23

    A big thank you to the FOAH for organising a wonderful Father’s Day present room last week. As always we all appreciate the hard work that goes into organising these events for the children. I’m pleased to see so many of you have bought tickets for the grand raffle. There are some fabulous prizes to be had and you really do have to be ‘in it to win it’. The raffle will be drawn on Tuesday 4th July so please ensure your tickets have been brought in by Thursday 29th June at the latest.

    FOAH held their AGM Monday evening where several members resigned as their children will be leaving the school at the end of the term. I wanted to remind parents of the excellent job that they do which is two-fold. Firstly, they hold regular events that the children really enjoy such as the silent disco, film nights and present rooms but they also raise a huge amount of money that is used to improve every child’s experience for example, replacing the interactive screen in the computer suite to improve teaching and learning in this room and purchasing indoor and outdoor play equipment for the children to enjoy at lunch times. I am delighted that two members from our Parent Forum have offered to join FOAH and I would really like to urge parents to consider volunteering to help and please be assured, you can support on your own terms – as little as often as you can manage.

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  • Spring 2023 Events

    Published 10/04/23

    Spring Term 

    Movie nights - £844.00 
    Mother’s Day present room - £438.79 
    Easter sweet jars - £77.56

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  • Autumn 2022 Events

    Published 21/12/22

    A huge thank you to the Friends of Almond Hill for their hard work organising wonderful events for the children this term. We have had a silent disco for Halloween, sweet jars, refreshments at our Christmas musicals, a fantastic present room, scratch cards and Christmas cards to name a few! Without their commitment, these events that the children love so much, would not happen. Next term, we can look forward to a present room for Mother’s Day and Easter chocolate jars and movie nights!

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  • FOAH Autumn 2022 Events

    Published 20/12/22

    Autumn term 

    Halloween disco - £588.72
    Sweet jars - £268.93
    Halloween biscuits - £57.45

    Christmas biscuits - £131.20
    Christmas scratch cards - £80
    Sweet jars £53.56
    Present room - £798.63
    Performance refreshments - £62.60

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  • Rag Bag Recycling

    Published 28/09/22
    Your donations helped to raise £28.80 for the school. Thank you! 
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