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Contact Us

Almond Hill Junior School

Almonds Lane

Contact us:
tel: 01438 233660

Mrs E. Fordham (Head teacher), Almond Hill Junior School, Almonds Lane, Stevenage, Herts, SG1 3RP

Mrs Birchall is our SENCo and she can also be contacted using the above contact details.

Class teachers can be contacted using the following email addresses:

 The office is open from 8.30am to 4.30pm. Messages may be left on the school answer phone when the office is closed.

Contact with Class Teachers

There will be times, as parents, where you need to contact the school and general enquiries can be made via the school office by phone or email. You can also use the year group email addresses to contact your child’s year group.

If you have any concerns regarding your child, please make an appointment after school to see the class teacher initially. For more urgent matters, please first contact Miss Simmons, our Deputy Head ( or if your child has special educational needs or disabilities, Mrs Birchall our SENCo (  Mrs Fordham can be contacted using the admin email address and will respond accordingly. However, depending on the nature of your email, it may be passed on to a more appropriate member of staff for a response. 

The Designated Teacher for Child Protection is Mrs Fordham, with Mrs Birchall, Mrs Burgess and Miss Simmons as deputies.

Almonds Lane, Stevenage, Herts, SG1 3RP